Saturday, January 13, 2007

"Sad" Rant

I've just gotta' say... I love all of my friends and family. I really do. Hopefully they love me, too. People think I'm crazy because I would die for my friends and family; how bout' you? Wouldn't you die for your mother, your father? If they were dying with cancer, wouldn't you want to take their place; let them live, let them grow and be 100. *Chuckles* NOW who's crazy?... Just think about it for a minute. Think about how "short" life really is. In the blink of an eye, it can pass you by. I'm 14; where did the years go?... Like everyone else, I also wish I could go back; change all of the things I did wrong. But no one is perfect. So, I accept the facts: I'm not very popular, people will always make fun of me, I'm poor, but at the same time rich. I will probably die at the age of 70 from a heart attack. I will never be a a millionaire. Simple facts, right? They can change a lifetime. Think about that, as you read this. What could you be doing? You could be outside, enjoying yourself. Now, you may be outside. Heck, you could be in your front lawn right now on your labtop! Get up, and go do something. Don't be like me. Don't waste 14 years of your life. You could be the most famous person in the world. But if you haven't done anything, no contributions to society, no donations, you are just like the penniless bums on corners. But, hey, what do I know?

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