Friday, March 08, 2013

Re: A Letter From Your 17 Year Old

This post is a reply to the post made by Pull the Plug on Atheism on their website. The article in question is also the title of this post: "A Letter From Your 17 Year Old". Here's the post that they made:

"'Mom, dad, after my first semester at college, I have to tell you that I don’t believe in God anymore. Science has proven evolution to be true. The Bible is a book of fairy tales. There is no absolute right and wrong. I know this goes against your values, but I now believe in gay marriage and a woman’s right to choose. I don’t want to hurt you, but I have to be open and honest with you--I’m moving in with my girlfriend. This doesn’t change my love for you, and I hope you feel the same about me . . . .'

A 2007 survey in the U.S. showed that the number of 18-25 year olds who were atheist, agnostic or nonreligious had increased from 11 percent in 1986 to 20. [1]

What do you say to him? This site will tell you.

[1], Jan. 24, 2007"

What exactly DO you say? From what I've gleaned thus far, it's apparent that, according to this website at least, that the obvious, sensible thing to do would be to kidnap your child, bring them back to your house, tie them up in your basement, and repeatedly beat them over the head with a Bible until they stop with that non-conforming crap!

Seriously though, I will make a reply to each and every thing that I see wrong here, which, personally, is ALL of it. The best way, then, that I see to go about this is to address each comment individually. Off we go then!

"Mom, dad, after my first semester at college..."

Their child is in college! That's fantastic! Why ruin their chance at making something out of their lives because of YOUR choice in religion? If they are old enough to be in college (with the rare super-genius exception), then I'm pretty sure that they don't need you to hold their hand while they pee, and they don't need you to try and "convert" or "fix" them, either.

"...I have to tell you that I don’t believe in God anymore."

Why, that's great news! You yourself as an adult have made that choice, and instead of shunning and beating you in their basement for it, your parents should be embracing your choice in religion! How can they call themselves good parents in between swearing at you and beating you? I don't see how, do you?

"Science has proven evolution to be true."

I'm going to stay neutral on this, but seriously, if someone believes that, let them believe that. What if your parents were non-Christians and they persecuted you for being such? It wouldn't very good, would it? Well what exactly do you think you're doing to your child right now?

In the end, the choice to release your child from the dark, damp basement is ultimately yours

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