Sunday, September 07, 2008

O.K., so...

Basically, since everyone else is going off and actually doing something with their life, I decided to finally do something about mine. I'm done taking crap from people, and after last night, I'm going to straight out honest with everything from this point onward, which I should've done in the first place. Starting with church.

Don't get me wrong. I love church, but I don't think it's necessary. As all these preachers will tell you,"Jesus is, essentially, the church." Um.. duh. So, wouldn't it make sense then, that we, as sons and daughters of Abraham, know that? My point being, church isn't necessary. Sure it's a place where we can all come together and share a common view, but that's the same for school, work, and a lot of other places. If you really want to know my honest opinion: I could never go to church again, and I know I'd be better off than some of the people that have been sitting there for the last fourty years, though I'm not mentioning any names.

Also, on the subject of church: judgement. Do you really want to know a sure way to get blocked out of heaven? Start judging people. I know a lot of people who do this. In fact, pretty much everyone. So, I mean, it's kinda' hard not to, right? Wrong. Jesus never judged a single person. There were people he talked to that killed people for a living, and he didn't judge them. He might not have approved of what they were doing, but he didn't judge them in the slightest. Why can't we do that? I don't. In fact, you can call me a liar all day long, but if you want to know the truth, I don't judge, hate, or even dislike anyone. Since I've started going to church, I just simply don't want to. So, I don't.

Moving on before I bore you do death, I'm going to talk about being forced, because I mentioned just simply not judging. I've posted a whole rant about this before, so I'll make it short. You don't have to do anything. You choose to. If you want to know more about that principle, ask me, or, better yet, check the Bible, since certain members of the church feel it's necessary to hide behind it.

Which brings me to my next point, going slightly back to church. The Bible. The Bible is a book, just like any other book. People idolize the Bible. Why? Doesn't it say in that very same book that people are to idolize nothing else but God? By the way, I can't wait for people from churches to read this. I hope they spit out what they're drinking when they do. I will openly share my opinion, and if you don't like it, simple click the back button on your browser, and never read it again. If you'd like to act childish and take it a step further, go ahead and block me. I dare you. In fact, if you can't simply read someone elses opinion without getting all huffy puffy about it, I'll block you.

Next on the list is religious tolerance. This is a biggy for "religious people." Like a pastor has said before,"There are 'religious people,' and then there 'Christians.'" If you're a religious person, by all means, be one. If you're a Christian, be one. Don't be a religious person trying to act Christian. You're not, and you'll only wind up further behind than serial killers. Anyways, my point for this is: You need to accept other beliefs, and if you can't, get some help. Honestly, if you're that worried about another religion taking members from your church, then you need some work. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but there's many issues more important than whether or not I go to your church. Speaking of which, if you ever. Ever. Tell me that you can't be around because of who I am, or what I believe, or what I do, then, right then, you have just gone straight to Hell, because if there is nothing else Jesus wanted to do while he was on Earth, it was to make people respect each other, and actually be able to talk to each other without getting upset because of differing beliefs.

Now, for the very few people still reading. I have many more things to talk about, so, please, if you'd like to hear a little more, Subscribe to my blog. If you actually think you can handle a differing belief, come talk to me. In fact, call me, we'll go out for pizza. If you can learn to accept God, stop judging people, actually worry about something important once in a while, and possibly even use the common courtesy bestowed upon each of us when we were born, then God bless you, and please, share some of these views. For those of you who do, and you scare some people into not talking to you, then know that you're doing exactly what God wanted you to. Want to know why? They're scared. They know you're right, and they don't want to admit that, so they hide. So, be different, shout about it, call people, write e-mails. Be bold, don't be afraid to share your view about God. It's what He wants us to do. I know because He told me.

God bless us all,

Dennis Dodd

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