Thursday, September 16, 2010

True Feelings and Other Contemplations

Just a random comment before I start on my newest self-confession.. wait.. did I say self-confession? Oh well.. not like anyone reads these anyways.. '-.-

Ah, right, the comment.. I think the Title of this post could be a Title for a book. :) Anyways, onto my "self-confession"..

Coming to the realization that I am going to be married by year's end, am going to finish high school after four of what I can only describe as unfortunately dreadful years, and then entering into full-time military service, to provide for both myself and my family - not to mention beating this moth to death on an LCD screen... - seemed to have done something to me.. and, I apologize in advance for what seems to be a hastily and not so well put together article, but, it is what I am producing on impulse and without hesitation, which, I have learned, is when I type and learn the best.. now.. onwards with the article.. after much unneeded filler text... what exactly has this done to me, though..?

I wish I knew, I really do. :p

It has most certainly changed me, although, not moreso than any other life-changing experience can or will..

..that's not to say that having a child can ever been rivaled by something as petty as a job promotion, however... that is simply a petty matter of misappropriation of priorities, and shall be discussed later, when I have the inkling and the time.. for now.. just know that it is a simple comparison and shall, for the purposes of this article, be treated as such..

..for those few remaining readers, I applaud your interest in such a misaligned article.. such a jumbled mess couldn't seemingly be even considered an article by most, yet, by you, it is.. quite.. in any case, we shall proceed..

Where was I..? Oh, right, life-changing stuff... hrm... not really all that sure where I should continue with this... normally I would say something "inspirational"... however, on one occasion, I said that I was truly tired, and was going to lie down... unfortunately, I am in quite a predicament, as I am veering from both the usual and unusual routines.. but.. for the sake of my unusual argument, I suppose that I shall do both..

Go live your life, or some such thing.. oh, and, be sure to tell me that this article sucks, and flame me... those always get the most man-points for being a big, cool kid with a keyboard and an Internet connection... for those of you like me.. the oh so very few... I bid you a fair ado... so long, farewell, until we meet again... :)